Regulation of Photorespiration

 Negative effects of photorespiration on crop plants can be regulated and consequently, the photosynthetic productivity can be increased manifold. Possible measures would be :

1. By manipulating different atmospheric conditions i.e., by increasing atm. CO2 etc.

2. Use of inhibitors of glycolic acid oxidase, such as α-hydroxysulfonate.

3. Through genetic manipulation also, the process of photorespiration can be regulated.

Positive Effects of Photorespiration

Recently, the photorespiration process has been considered as a protective and supportive mechanism, which reduces O2 injury to chloroplasts.
 Free radicals of O2 gas are very reactive which react with membrane components and destroy them. In the absence of photorespiration, the concentration of such O2 free radicals may reach very high and can attain a destructive level in the chloroplasts. Therefore, under such circumstances, efforts to reduce photorespiration may prove dangerous.
